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Missoula Offers Free Carbon Monoxide Detectors


Missoula County is launching a carbon monoxide detector campaign. Missoula County Building Official Dave Larkin approached the Missoula County commissioners about establishing a carbon monoxide detector campaign.

About 430 people die every year from carbon monoxide poisoning in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Another 50,000 people in the U.S. also require emergency room treatment due to exposure, which becomes toxic in tight spaces.

In order to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning in Missoula County, Larkin and his colleagues are distributing carbon monoxide detectors to residences throughout the county. The county has 30 detectors ready for distribution currently, with 144 more on the way. Thanks to support from Home Depot and a $1,000 donation from NorthWestern Energy, Larkin said they eventually hope to get their hands on 220 detectors total.



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